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Music Editing Program

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Dudley | 19:43 Sun 05th Sep 2010 | Music
5 Answers
Can anyone please recommend a good but reasonably priced music editing program? I have iTunes but what I want to do is to edit music tracks to shorten them and/or cut out part of a track like I used to do with cassettes (fade out/in etc). Particularly those often final album tracks which go on for several minutes of complete silence and then sometimes add an additional bonus track. I don't know why they do that but assume it is something to do with pirating.


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The most popular free program (by far, with probably about 99% of users choosing it) is Audacity:

If you download Audacity you need to be aware that, in its native form, it can't save files to MP3 formats. (That's due to licensing issues). However a few extra clicks of your mouse will enable you to download and install the LAME MP3 encoder, which fixes the problem:

I'll suggest one further download associated with Audacity, and that's the User Manual. While Audacity is a fairly intuitive program, it can be easy to spend ages trying to work out how to carry out a simple task which could have been done almost instantaneously by simply reading the instructions. I write from experience ;-)

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Thanks Chris, I will give it a try.
I swear by Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro (now known as Adobe Audition) it can be 'procured' fairly easily. It saves to every format you would ever need and works with many plug-ins should you need them.
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I too use Cool Edit Pro. It's an excellent piece of sofwtare for editing audio.

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Music Editing Program

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