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A Night out

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4getmenot | 13:23 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
If you have a partner when you go on nights out do you always go with your partner? I very rarely go on nights out with my bloke, and if I decide I fancy a night up pub drinking I tend to invite all my mates out instead. Not that I would tell him he couldnt go, he's very welcome, but ever since we started going out I've been like that. Where as some of my mates say they'll have to check with their partner first


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are you looking for an updated model. when your out ?
We do a bit of both, we have a lot of mutual friends so we do out together but don't need to stick next to each other all night. Sometimes we'll go out seperately or one of us might not go out at all.
I'd never have to check with him first though
With my Ex I only really went to the local with him and out with my friends/family weekends. We'd sometimes meet up at the end of the night.

With Ginge...we've got a bit lazy and don't go out much now. I wouldn't need to check with him though. It depends who's going out. He's not keen on a few of my friends.
we have young kids so generally have to take turns.

a night out together is a rare event, so when it occurs we make the most of it, together.
quite right, Ankou - send the kids to the pub while you stay home and conjugate.
we dont go out much as a couple now but he doesnt need to ask me and vice versa other than out of consideration.

My nights out are different to yours though, sis, though even if i wanted to go out drinking he wouldnt be concerned.
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I just see some couple out all the time and they look so bored I think they may aswell stay at home. Its lovely to occasionally go out with him and when we have weddings etc we tend to lose eachother and mingle. I would never ask him if I can go out but he does always say to me 'what we doing on the so so date' just incase we have an occasion booked as he doesnt ever remember.
true jno, maybe we could do a stacey slater and abandon the kiddywinks in a room above the pub ?
does the same apply to your other half when he fancies going out with his mates?
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oh yes he's off tomorrow to a chinese meal with footie mates and next week off to lapdancers for a leaving do, one of his mates going to afghanistan. He does what he likes and sometimes its nice to have a night in on my own :-)
get your own lapdancers in, 4get
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Ooh could do :-)
i sometimes prefer to go out with Hubby... for fear of embarrassing him!

He'll suffer it for a while - but then rolls his eyes to heaven at my antics!

Am out tonight and he was more than happy for me to leave him at home with the TV!

Painting the town red!!!!
I have never wanted to go out with my 'mates', not even when I was younger. Prefer mixed company and we just always socialised together. I have never known him go out for a drink with his mates either. We don't live in each other's pockets, far from it, but an evening out without him wouldn't even occur to me. I do go and stay with friends overseas and in this country without him and spent a month in Australia. I also meet up with friends during the day time.

We both pursue our own interests as well, but nights out just wouldn't appeal to me without him around. And I HATE hen parties and hen nights!!

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