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being a wrinkly! does it make you afraid to go out at night?

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Bobbisox | 17:13 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
Are you bothered by gangs?
I go out alone often and can say truthfully I have never had any bother,
I think the youth of today get bad representation because of the few no-hopers, if you talk down to them then you will get negativity, I always treat them as my equal and get a positive response...
your thoughts?


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It isn't only the youth of the day ,though Bobbi who commit the most horrendous violent crimes.Whilst I applaud your sentiments of treating everyone as your equal, I am not prepared to do that . They are not my equal . How can you say that a drug pushing lout , or a coke sniffing petty mugger is your equal? I don't want equality with some of the scumbags who beat people up , terrorise housing estates and end up stabbin g each other or innocent passers by.
No thanks Bobbi , not for me, I am glad that I am totally unequal.
I do go out alone except for my dog every night, sometimes quite late, but I think because I live in an area where there is a massive sense of community that the danger , if it is there at all ,is minimal.
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Brenda of cause it depends on the area we live in I accept that, I did mention the term no-hopers in my heading, these are so not anywhere near my equal :-0)
Bobbi --not falling out with another Geordie -- never -- just airing a view!!!
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ha-ha me neither, that would be sacrilege Brenda, I try always to listen to everyones worries pet x
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At last count Bobbi you've had 16 'Anser Removed' notifications,in your thread - whats going on? I can't follow it any more it doesn't make sense.


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being a wrinkly! does it make you afraid to go out at night?

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