I can see where pink-kittens is coming from to a degree. However the magnitutde of any such act should invoke feelings of humanitarianism and compassion, It would be a shame to veer from the essence of PokerMan's post.
I remember coming home from a night shift putting on the tv and spending the whole day watching events unfold...going back to work that night and finding a colleague in tears...
she was muslim...and she could not understand how a faith that had guided her and her family had been so perverted to cause such horror..we carried on watching during breaks etc and I will never forget what was shown... My workmate was frightened to leave the building...as she was sure anyone in islamic dress would be targetted...so a group of us walked her to her car...
And Yes pink kittens...I remember 7/7 vividly too......and I also remember the bombings in london by the IRA..as I was working there at the time ....all such acts are atrocities...but if we do not learn from them all the lives lost are wasted....