I frequently record complwte series of TV programmes (on SKY) then transfer from Sky hard drive to hard drive of attached HD recorder and then transfer to DVD editing out the unwanted bits - adverts final credits etc. The series I am curtrently recording is the Andre Rieu shows on Sky HD These programmes don't carry any advertisi or other unwanted material so I have started to record direct to the DVD, So far so good 10 very good programmes on DVD's. Last night after about 1 hr 55 min screen message came up Disc full needs finalising. The programme schedule was 2hrs 15 min, so I lost the taill end. Recording mode was set to SP - should this have been LP? if so would this have had any effect on picture and sound quality, and would it have carried the whole prog.? I have been using DVD-R but last night i used DVD-RW . should I have used another disc and if so what?
Problem solved! I got the book pf words out and read through some of it and I found that there are 4 recordmodes on this unit (Panasonic) XP high quality short duration SP which I tend to use LP and FR (flexible recording) it seems that you enter thr duration of the programme and the unit adapts recording mode to fit that time onto available space.
The programme is being repeated this afternoon so will find out. - It does pay o read the book of words!