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Sunday Dinner/Lunch Thread.

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NoMercy | 12:27 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I'm cooking lasagne. I made my own pesto and my own bechamel sauce, so it's a completely non-cheating creation.

What about you?


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A donor kebab? Who donated it?
is lasagne made with pesto?
no, no take out for me, not after last night.....
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I always chuck a jar of pesto in, bednobs. Gives it that certain je ne sais quoi. :-)
Mccfluf Ill not get to descriptive as i don't want to put anyone off their lunch, but im guessing that what you ate was maybe rejected by your stomach after much alcohol?
that sounds nice.
i did;t eat swampthing, i popped out to meet a mate at 4 for an hour......... according to my text message's i got home around half one. i'm not eating take out today as i can;t be bothered to get one and i do'nt want to eat anything rich as i'm a tad delicate
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Actually Fluffy, I've become a bit of a lightweight. I had a couple of glasses yesterday and woke up with the worst headache ever this morning !
That happens to me sometimes too mcfluff when im really hungover, on those days i like to drink ice cold strawberry or banana milkshakes, actually i could go for one rightabout now.
i didn't drink that much, but i think as i hadn't eaten all day it went to my head big style and i feel 'orrible today and thanks swampthing i feel sick now, strawberry flavoured anything it on my list of things that don;t get put in my mouth.

ice cold fizzy water with fresh lime - now your talking
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I didn't eat much yesterday either. A couple of slices of chorizo and some sundried toms - no wonder I woke up with a headache.
Off to the pub for a couple of pints then going to the carvery. Roast beef, yorkshire, stuffing, roast potatoes, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, swede and thick gravy. I'm salivating already. Sorry fluffy!
I was good last night though fluff. Only had a couple of vodkas. So allowed a treat today :-)
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Have a lovely time, Jan. How's the OH? x
spiced turkey escalopes with baby mixed veg and new pots...then sugar free jelly and cream...bit boring but have made two quiches as well
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Sounds lovely, Rowan. :-)

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