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bandearg | 16:46 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | Crosswords
14 Answers
29 a thick slice of bread (8) ???r?t??
7 ordinary shares (8) ????t?e?
25 a knockout (4) ?a??
5 corresponded, acceded (6) ?l???d

many thanks


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29a doorstep
29 Doorstep
25a kayo
29a] doorstep
7 Equities ?
7 Equities
5 agreed ? if the L is wrong
5] agreed?
Question Author
the l is from lactose for naturally occuring sugar
might it be glucose?
Question Author
yes many thanks glucose it is. Last one

10 lines up ball strikers, by the sound of it


many thanks again
Queues - "cues"
Question Author
many thanks

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