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Proms concert

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micmak | 21:42 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Just watched last night of the proms concert. Loved it. What do you think?


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As I put on my earlier thread in Media&TV it's wonderful; people can stick that rubbish that most will have been watching on ITV.
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bibble does that mean you loved it or hated it.
loved it

it's carp like X factor that I can't stand
It was brilliant - better than ever - the traditional songs were superb, and I loved that arrangement of the National Anthem.
I only saw the link up, they did a local proms in the park in Salford and went with a load of friends, a posh picnic and some Pimms and Champagne and had a fantastic night. We had our own show with the Philharmonic and Juliette Pochin and John Barrowman then did the link up with the Albert Hall then some more concert, proper proms style songs at the end and then some fantastic fireworks.

Brilliant night!

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Proms concert

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