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Happy Birthday, JJ.

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NoMercy | 20:06 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I've only just remembered. Hope you're having a super day ! x


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Hello, Wyz ... you okay?

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Have a great day, well...what's left of it.
Happy Birthday JJ

You must be special as this is my first ever posting on Chatterbank despite being an
Aber for 6 years!

K xx
Aww, thanks K !

I wish I could think of a suitable cryptic birthday clue for you ... but I can't.

I'll have to email Araucaria for help !!


I'm looking forward to tomorrow ... it's "easy crossword day" in the G paper.
I had no idea. Happy birthday JJ!
JJ and Mollykins in one week, can the world take so much happiness?
I can see how it must be a strain !!
Hope you had a very happy day birthday girl, and you got everything you wanted for your birthday. xx
happy birthday jj, hope its been a good one for you :o)

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Happy Birthday, JJ.

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