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Wireless Printers

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barb1314 | 16:48 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Probably should put this in technology but it seems busier here. I'm looking to buy a wireless printer hopefully under £100. I only have a laptop so it doesn't need to be connected to lots of devices. Would also prefer not to spend a fortune on ink when it needs replacing. Does anyone have any recommendations? If so,many thanks to you.


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Canon...we have one, really easy to set up, prints beautifully, reasonable on ink and non canon chipped carts work but it invalidates your guarantee so I would probably not do it till after the guarantee has run out
HP b109n, under £100 just about everywhere. Be sure to get the b109n though, not the cheaper b109a - which isn't wireless.

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