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The whte package arrived

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mollykins | 16:21 Mon 13th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Well dad had said there was a white and another package, and I could open the white one when it arrived but not the other one until wednesday.

It turns out that they're cards, off of my brother. Today i got the white one, which was for passing my exams (he's been working in Azerbijan so hadn't had a chance to send them before a couple of days ago.)

Do you think it's wierd that my brother gave me more for passing my exams than my dad?

So the mystery is solved, i'm guessing the other card is for my birthday, but the white one was really confusing me.


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thats nice Molly :-0)
Azerbaijan - crumbs.
Question Author
But don't worry, that was his last trip out there, he's going to Angola starting from October . . .
What's he doing - working his way through the alphabet?
<splutter@mrs o>
"What's he doing - working his way through the alphabet?"

In reverse it would seem.
backwards Mrs O, Azerbaijan is after Angola - perhaps he's a mercenary. Or charity worker?
^ no that wasn't very nice, I apologise. He did sent you a present.
Very pedantic Chuck.
Be careful - I am still up the stepladder
The major export of Angola is rabbit wool.
Is he working as a Demenor in Azerbijan? Can he get Harry Potter's autograph?
Er stewey, isn't that Angora ;-)
I'm partial to a bit of rabbit stew
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He works on oil/gas rigs.
Mrs. O - you have given me the best laugh of the day.......(:0 )
why does he not just work in aberdeen, molly ?
Question Author
Anne, he used to work and live in Aberdeen, but either he got a promotion or changed what company he works for or both so now he can live anywhere within 1hour of an airport that goes to Azerbijan (and now Angola).

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The whte package arrived

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