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Where is Poodicat?

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micmak | 21:42 Tue 14th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Have not seen her for a while. Unless she is in disguise.


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Her profile is currently showing 'Suspended':

I like Poodi, so I hope that she'll be back (in one form or another) soon
yer poodi was a good ol gal
There were problems I know, but I liked her too Chris. Also haven't seen Peri for a while?
This Profile Status page may explain why Poodicat hasn't been posting (as poodicat) recently
peri very busy at mo with her jewellery line, she's on my FB and is well x
Oooh when you come round you'll be able to have a nosey at my FB and see what some look like on here loftie :-)
Thanks 4get. Give her my love x
Pericat has been posting recently
Poodi is posting isn't she........
Very true 4get!!

But you mustn't tell anybody how old and wrinkly I am!!

Nite nite xx

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Where is Poodicat?

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