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Poor George Michael...

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Bobbisox | 17:18 Tue 14th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
8 weeks, will serve 4 of em and 5 yr driving ban,
he stated him and his long time boyfriend had broken
what if the daft bugger had killed someone?


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George Michael has been tried and found guity as a citizen, and the law has provided what is decided to be an apropriate punishment.

His 'celebrity' is unlikely to make a difference.

Jokes about his sexuality are childish and stupid.
You shoudn't judge anyone. It's not our place to. We all have to live with our own conscience.
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he may not have killed anyone...true, but whos to say if left unchecked, he could of?
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I agree but this wasn't the first time so perhaps it will act as a reminder to him, he can't drive under the influence of drugs and I am not wholly against cannabis btw, hard drugs, yes!
if a person was under the influence of alcohol he would have been jailed a long while back for repeatedly doing it, something had to give, I hope it works!
Wham, Bam, In the Jam.... he'll be protected. Anyway, it's not as though he's averse to the odd bending-down-to-pick-up-the-soap jaunt is it?
Does help to have the money for a good lawyer doesn't it?
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Morning salla
:;-)..oops you got glasses on,,ha-ha (4 eyes)
wonder what sentence joe public on a motorbike would have got
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Poor George Michael...

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