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It's Pishing down here on the Tyne..(No Fog) just thought I would mention this on such a jolly Wednesday in AberLand

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Bobbisox | 14:10 Wed 15th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
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Sunny here, but getting a bit cloudy and blowing a gale!!
Question Author
LL it's a hoolie here too, may have to baton doon the hatches..ha-ha
Don't know what part of the Tyne you are on, but the sun's just come out in Whitley Bay. Of course, God always shines on the righteous!
It's windy and it was quite grey but blue is starting to appear now . . . .
Its been blowing a gale here since early this morning and now is absolutely throwing it down. I had a job cycling to work this morning and looks like Im going to get soaked going home.
My neice is arriving today from Indiana. What a welcome !!
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ooh you at Whitley Bay?
new Spanish City?
I am up river in
It's bleeding cold!

Skies are grey and the wind is too brisk for me.
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Molly you are like the sunshine pet <smiles>
Unfortunately the Spanish City went years ago. The Dome has been restored, but with no funfair or shops around it sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise bleak and barren landscape. Looking at photos of Whitley Bay from my childhood in the 50s/60s and comparing it with now is enough to make me weep.
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Is it going to be a museum Mike, I saw something on North-East tonight about it
Probably, like the rest of the town.
It's getting bluer and bluer . . . .
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I used to love going there as a kid Mike,,shame really
It was lovely first thing and is still lovely, sun shining, blue sky, fluffy white clouds.
A breeze yes but I've got the old cardigan out and that prob is solved.
Will be out there soon picking runner beans for dinner tonight. Got steak steamed pud + mash too.

As a child we would very occasionally go to South Shields to visit an elderly relative. In those days it couldn't hold a candle to Whitley Bay, yet look at it now. The fairground is still thriving and the Marine Park is an absolute delight. I suppose it's all down to the willpower and determination of the local council. Long gone are the days when for a fortnight each summer Whitley Bay would be overrun by holidaymakers from Glasgow, with special trains laid on to bring them from Newcastle.
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my secret Mike,,,ha-ha
we (the lasses) always go to York for our weekend away, this year...South Sheilds!
Rosie Malones here we come ..ha-ha
Blue skies here and sunny and warm. May go and sit on my patio for a while.
Forgot to mention the young lads with their bogies who would meet the trains and take the luggage down to the guest houses. Although I didn't live in Whitley at the time I gather it was quite a lucrative business.
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yayyyy, we have sun once more,Hi Jan, Gary doing well?
Hi Joy. Yes, he is fine, thanks. xx

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It's Pishing down here on the Tyne..(No Fog) just thought I would mention this on such a jolly Wednesday in AberLand

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