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To Bobbisox

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LoftyLottie | 13:23 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Please get rid of your avatar. I knew a lady who had legs like that, much the same as in your photo, with a slimmish top. It was caused by medical reasons. She was in hospital having massive ops to try to take away some of the fat and it was horrendous seeing what she had to go through. Your avatar makes me sad!!


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for you LL. I will
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Ah thank you. She was a lovely, lovely lady. She started off quite normal and then her hips and legs got bigger and bigger. x
I will only do stuff for a giggle LL but never to upset anyone x
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I know.
Yes Bobbisox looks a lot better than she did a few minutes ago Lottie !! lol
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You look much nicer now!! x
why, thank you
and LL
I wonder why some put themselves up for avatars, is it because they really hurt inside ...maybe
Hi Bobbi
I notice your other pic has gone after Sqad's lewd comment on black knickers!
Much better Bobbi xx
Please don't change your avatar LoftyLottie. You remind me so much of my first deputy headmistress when I became a young teacher.
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Wow, you must have been smitten with her Mike!!! That really is me you know!!! ;o)
Mrs o, sqad wanted to know if they were silk...Bless Him
I wonder if he would still be asking if he knew they were gym knickers with a little pocket in them for my dinner money, with a double enforced cotton gussett...ha-ha
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Wow, you must have been smitten with her Mike!!! That really is me you know!!! ;o)

Not so much smitten with her as by her! She had been in the school for a very long time (trained in the early 50s) whilst the Headmaster was a relatively young chap with whom I had a great relationship, which I think she slightly resented. However she wielded real power in the day-to-day running of the school inasmuch as she was responsible for drawing up the timetable and also cover for absent teachers. She used to take a perverse delight in mismatching talents. I remember one occasion when both the French teacher and the Cookery teacher were absent. Full of the milk of human kindness I actually volunteered to cover a French lesson (being one of the only two French speakers on the staff), only to be told that she had decided that the PE teacher (who could barely speak English, let alone French) would take 2A for French whilst I had to take 4C for cookery. It took all my masculine charms and about two years before I finally wormed my way into her affections.

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