It is a year since I had my lovely golden Labrador put to sleep and I still get constant reminders every day as he was so clever.I know I should give an unwanted dog a good home but I just cannot bring myself to.People have said best thing to do is get another maybe a smaller one but I can't. I can't have another cat as I have 2 birds which are out of cages quite a lot.No question really just having thoughts.
Wendilla, we took ages to get another cat when our old cats died - not to replace them, but caring for another little scrap helped to ease the pain. Good luck x
When I went to choose him the man picked up 3 which were females but I kept looking at the one sitting at the back wondering what all the fuss was about. Guess what that was the male and I just knew he was the one for me. Bless him now I am off again . Many thanks for your replies I know you all understand.
I don't think you ever forget. If you got anothe dog it wouldn't be a case of replacing your Lab, you'd just be giving a deserving dog another chance in life. I think once you've had a cat or dog then its really had not to have anything around the house. They're never gone anway, its the same for us humans - they live on in your memories forever x