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Map and Compass outdoor company

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PokerMan | 19:10 Fri 17th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
has anyone ever bought anything from this "company" online and actually received the goods. i've been waiting for two months now and despite several unanswered e-mails and a phone call where the goods were promised, nothing has materialised.


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Here's some advice for your future guidance:
Before ordering from a company you've not used before, always put the name of that company (preceded by the word 'review') into Google first. If you'd have done that you might not have placed your order:

I'm also rather worried about whether the company is still trading or not. Although the company's website gives their head office address as being in Ramsgate, there are plenty of indications (both on their website and in those reviews) that they're actually based in Ireland. The only UK 'Map and Compass' registered with Companies House is based in Cardiff and seems to be a completely different firm to the one you've been dealing with. (Their website is at, rather than at, which is the firm I assume that you're referring to). The only 'Map and Compass' registered in Ireland ceased trading on 20th July:

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thankyou chris - very much appreciated

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Map and Compass outdoor company

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