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Driving age UK

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AngloScot | 14:07 Wed 07th Sep 2005 | Motoring
9 Answers
Is it true that they're increasing the legal age to start driving in the UK from 17 to 21? If so, when are they doing this?


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Not the age, the IQ!

Seriously, I have heard nothing about this, I'll be suprised if it's true.

Like Loosehead I too have never heard of this being made law, although some time ago there was an MSP saying that maybe we should look at drivers under the age of 21 only being allowed to carry one passenger!!  This statement was made after an accident in which a 17yr old driver and his 3 passengers were killed!!

Could somebody be pulling your leg?

I heard it was going to be 25 ;)
This keeps cropping up now and again. It is not true, if it were 30,000 driving instructors would go out of work overnight.
In Australia you have to of been driving for a year before you can carry passengers.

what a good idea!

No plans for it yet. Its being going around for years that it will increase to 18 . It will take so long to pass legislation and sort out licensing problems that it will probably never happen.

To drive a car in the UK you have to be 17 unless registered disabled, in that case its 16. I think it will remain that way for some time .

On the other hand, BBC news says the ago could be dropped to 16

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Driving age UK

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