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for all of you out there tonight...

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Bobbisox | 23:52 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
who have lost a loved one...
tonight I saw my friends husband, she is in a Hospice with an incurable brain tumor aged 49, this has has a profound effect on me, so when I see the negative threads on here and very often the nastiness, I will now think...

What the Hell!!!


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I understand Geordie why you got a 'wake-up' call but wish you didnt use examples cos it unwittingly opens wounds for others who have lost (as was proved with the posts).Theres just no comparison to that and getting wound up on here.As ive posted before people on here lose or are losing people every day and come here to escape from the reality of it -myself included.Just ignore -it becomes easier with time if you feel you really dont get on with an one particular person.Now dont take this to heart I mean well ♥
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Morning Haggis, I know you do and for that I respect you, I still am very upset by what I saw when I was out last night and the last thing I want to do is is open wounds up for people so I will, in future , keep this kind of thing to myself, I would never take offence at what you say, it's always constructive criticism.
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Well put doc - that's what I meant, too, when I posted how much my working at the hospice had opened my eyes to getting on with life while we can.
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at the time of seeing steve, her husband, I was very, very upset, it wasn't a good idea at all to come on here but I felt at the time, I needed to talk, I regret deeply the outpouring of such raw emotion from me, I will hold it in check in the future what you like.

I understand where Dris is coming from but in reality it's a chat section and if you feel that you needed to chat about it then so be it.
Yip thats what ive found is the best Geordie x
Aye but you dont feel so hot the next morning ummm -I know from experience :(
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Haggis I am good in myself, my only regret is my feeling angry at the injustice of it, but then I read your post and I understand how I should be feeling
Thank you ♥

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