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Famous5 | 18:03 Sun 19th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Any hints for the following please.

Number six is a corrode portion (11)

Catch 'em if you can (6,6)

Sea view hotels are more sought after (4)

Danny & Sandy sang about more of this (4,2)

Usually between 8 & 9 (4,4)

Twist, pull & spin (3,2)

Thanks in advance


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If it is any help, 'Number Six' was "The Prisoner" but it may refer to number 6 in the same quiz.
2. Mousey Mousey
4. This suggested 'Grease' to me and 'Summer Nights' = 'Some are Knights' = Chess but unfortunately that doesn't tie in with 4,2.

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