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Cowboy boots

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oldexpat | 19:51 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | Shopping & Style
10 Answers
What would you think if you received a pair of these:
My girlfriend has bought me a pair and not quite sure what to say especially considering how much they cost. I am not really sure if I wear them what to wear them with?


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mm... i'd tell her..
love that song dot , not sure about the boots though .... lol
I'd wear them but I'm a girl
I have 2 pairs but like 4get i'm a girl :)

Tuck your jeans into them and remember the obligatory hanky draped out the back pocket;)
Their doozies, wear em with pride!

Infact, slap em on with skin tight jeans, grow a 'stache a la Freddy Mercury and go for a night out on Canal Street in Manchester, you'll wow 'em all.
And both thumbs in in your front ones
And a matchstick to chew on
lol why did she buy you boots that are "for the working cowboy"? ARE you a working cowboy?
What about nothing except a stetson?

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Cowboy boots

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