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My mate has just had me ROTFL, we have a dilemma..

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Bobbisox | 13:59 Thu 23rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
There are two of us going into Newcastle to see The LadyBoys of Bangkok later, the show is in the 'Pink Triangle' unusually!!!..LOL
She has just rang me to make arrangements and says," I (her) feel a bit uncomfortable about just the two of us going for a drink in one of these pubs before the show"
FGS Why???/
I must be a lot more liberal minded than her,,ha-ha
she's going..end of!


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Customers at the Pub might think you and your mate are part of the 'Ladyboys' Show Bobbi !! lol
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they have better figures than we do red..ha-ha
All good fun Bobbi........enjoy the Show and your night out !
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Oh I will , I may take a photo or two and use it as an av...that'll get'em going ..LOL
Sis! please - a little decorum - Ed may be around. Have a great night pet ♥
I don't get ti...
So I've heard...

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My mate has just had me ROTFL, we have a dilemma..

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