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Things come in 3's....

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ummmm | 19:04 Sun 26th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
So Saturday morning a friend of ours died of a heart attack...

This morning another friend was found dead in the park...

Who believes things happen in 3's?


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yep i believe in that saying ummmm seems always to come true!!
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Well I will let you know....
Oh ummmm, I do hope not!...........I don't believe it really!...........
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I hope not as well.... :-(

The one who was found dead in the park has been suffering demons for many years now. I just hope he's not suffering anymore.
Told about one death last staurday, another on Sunday, and a third on Tuesday.
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Makes you think PD...
-- answer removed --
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You think
I'm not superstitious at all.
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Nor am I....but we will see. Who wants to be my friend?
nope not all all! but horrible news :-(
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I know...not pleasant at all. His son was playing a football match with mine today when he got taken off to be given the news. Very sad...He was only 40.
No I think once 2 things happen you start looking for a 3rd
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That's what I think 4get.....

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Things come in 3's....

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