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petal54 | 10:56 Tue 28th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Where do the 'removed' answers go when removed,into detension,on holiday,Siberia?


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Ed keeps them in a special box and allows his pet ABers to have a look on their birthdays.
they are auctioned off at the end of the year to fund Ed's Christmas knees up
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suppose they might make the best sellers list 1 day
Ed sells them to 'Yahoo answers'
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hence his new yacht moored off the Bahamas
i thought the ed printed them on lttle bits of paper to put inside the ab christmas crackers.
I think they get stuck in purgatory for eternity .
Isn't that only if the answers are Catholic??
I think ed saves them up and gives them to the kids for trick or treat
actually i have them
-- answer removed --
not all of them vibes just the special ones
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Awww vibes darlin - what's wrong?
awwwww there there, do you need your brow mopping and is that why you;ve not replied to my email?
there is a question that I would like removed, how do I go about it.

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