I've mentioned before that my Mum is a born again Christian. My son goes to her house at least once a week. The last few weeks he's been getting more and more worried about going. Today he told me that she's scaring him. All she talks about is when Christians die they will be going to heaven. She's talking about people like herself....He's now scared of me dying and worried that I'm going to hell.
Would you stop him seeing her if it was your child?
Besides this problem she's a good person...she just seems to be getting more and more obsessed the older shes getting...
I see where Wyz is coming from. This isn't a question about me...
What we've decided is to start an activity on a Wednesday so he can't go then. We'll let him go every other Friday to start with and then gradually start doing something Saturday mornings so he can't sleep over. That way he doesn't have to feel bad about anything...she gets to see him. Just less and less.
lol... true, wasnt thinking straight. your son owen is really bright. but yeah i think thats best just to sell him its rubbish, untill he gets older and understands more.
It would worry me Ummmm as it does you, but I think you're dealing with it very sensibly. Let us know how it goes - and good luck.
Ponjee, when he's older and understands more, if he has any sense, which I think he does, he won't need to be told it's rubbish - he'll work that out for himself.