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Don't let yesterday bother you!

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Mamyalynne | 00:38 Thu 30th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
It is what we do in the future that counts, be nice and caring and you will get it back in spades.

Mamya ♥


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TT what about Nurse Lesley, you cannot pine for cyber love ou never had and you never saw the coleen's thighs?
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Sorry Ena did not see you pop by, yes how was the test at the hospital, they are cruel places at times aren't they? Hope was okay!
I did try & read some of the posts Jan but it was too stupid to understand. Got back into my own work & left them to fight it out. If a thread is more than 3 pages I lose interest.
Sorry Jan and mamya - now have frozen screen syndrome! Jan I suspect my appointment today went the same as many of yours! Uphill all the way and I felt I had to argue my corner - I am no wilting wallflower as they find out to their cost! Suffice to say when I got outside I just stood in the pouring rain to cool off a bit. Came home and went straight to bed. I have totally forgotten how to do my job now, if it weren't for the fact that I deliver my sick notes personally I would have forgotten where I work too!Rant over - how has your day been ? Mamya - you wear your 'uniform' with pride!
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I sit gay pride week again better get a new uniform then

Go for it ena. Tell 'em. If you don't stand up for yourself they will just walk all over you. My insistence has now led to my third consultant and my sixth operation which will hopefully be just after Xmas. My new consultant really seems to know what he is doing. Told me he had taken the x-rays of my ankle to a conference in Germany last week because I had had so many problems and wants it sorted out. Also completely changed his mind about when to take the metalwork out of the ankle operations he does. He told me he normally takes screws etc out after 3 months but after seeing my x-rays will never again. At least I am famous in Germany!
Bless you Jan! Thank goodness for a soh in the face of all adversity eh? Well I suppose in the altruistic sense you may just have saved some poor soul some of the trouble you have had - I just wish someone had been in your shoes before you. I had a lively (ahem) 'debate' today on the definition of the word (palpitation) - of course my view was the casting vote! Thank the lord I will have my say and be listened to - in what ever voice it takes. I always start off pleasant enough but if they can't see the solitary raised eyebrow, the body language or hear the change in tone - it is their look out. How many clues do some of them need?
Mamya - help.....wots this they're on about on B&S, wots it used for ?

Oooh, that brought back painful memories for me tambo. Don't look anyone else who is female.
is it for internals....surely only docs use them ?
closing down now, g'nite all
Night all. I'm off too. Hopefully, there will be some better chat tomorrow.
nite nite Jan sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
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want better chat ,then go away

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