Hope this is not a 'dimwits' question but when I open stuff from my desktop it comes up 'scan with malwarebytes anti-malware' and scan with AVG. My question is do I scan every time with one of them, if so, which one. I do a full scan with AVG about every two weeks and thought that would do, unless someone tells me different. TIA rosy
Personally, I have AVG and A-Squared set up as my anti malware/virus software.
If I ever download anything suspect looking I right click and scan it with both, one after the other then bin it if it finds anything.
What sort of things are you trying to open when it does this?
Nothing in particular Answerprancer, it was just when I r.click on items on the desktop i.e. mozilla, O.E. etc.it is in the menu (underneath 'open') and I wondered if I should click those instead of open. I have just had malwarebytes a couple of weeks so not sure how it works really, meaning does it just work quietly in the background by itself? Thank you for your reply rosy