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Am I the only one

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stewey | 01:51 Sun 03rd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
..or there more of us who really can't be botherd clicking onto these damn utube thingies. Surely, if you have something to impart upon the thread, do it yourself.


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Nope, you're not on your own .... some peeps don't like YouTube links. Then again, some peeps do.

Is that you on your avatar, stewey?
Question Author
Thats me, Mrs Chappie, a few years ago in Montego Bay with Chico on my arm whilst I'm drinking Red Stripe Beer. Sorry, I don't have it on utube:)
I don't embed it as I don't like the amount of space it takes up. I post links so you have an option of clicking on them. If you don't want to then they don't take up much space :-) x
Good Lord, I didn't notice that bird on your arm. Is he an African Grey? I have a Grey called Dudley.
I do embed them but do not click on everyone I see
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Question Author
I don't the type, Mrs C; but, I do know it tried to steal my wrist-watch: I kid you not.
I can believe you, stewey. I have a macaw. He could take all the buttons off your shirt in about a minute. Fascinating birds though.

I used to rescue birds and at one time had about 100 in three outdoor aviaries and one indoor aviary.
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Wow mrs c, that's a lot. My dad used to breed budgies when I was a kid. One day my mum left the aviary doors open and they all escaped. We had a row of trees at the bottom of the gardens and they all went in there. Most of them came back when they were hungry though.
It's nice that they came back, Jan. We once had an escapee and lost him for good.

There was also a day when I went out and accidentally left the door unlocked. Seven budgies were perched on the curtain pole above the door. I came home to find the door swinging open, and all seven budgies still perched on the curtain pole. Sounds like a tall story, but I promise it is true.

Tony, macaws can do you a lot of harm if they want to. They are very powerful birds.
night night all, im off for some zzzzzzzzs now,

has been nice chatting :o)

sweet dreams when you go too xx

(ps - mrs c - the vesta curry is still in the cupboard lol)
Nighty night ! x
I'm away too loooby. Blimey, look at the time!

Night night, sleep well y'all, been nice chatting!

(I've still got a Vesta meal in the cupboard, too!)
Nighty night and scuse the change of avatar again, bloody useless Gravatar, I had to delete everything and start again.
Thanks for putting your pic up, AP. x

G'night AP and everyone else on the thread.

Sweet dreams y'all! x

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