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tamborine | 12:58 Fri 01st Oct 2010 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Filly was spewing slime yesterday. Checked belly for gas, throat, neck & mane for Strangles. Tried to get a vet to inject antibiotic, no luck (they ONLY do small animals) ! Rugged & stabled and its fine today. Any idea of the cause ?


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as horses can't vomit it suggests she may have had a touch of choke
A couple of things... I'm not sure what you mean by "spewing slime"... but if you meant a green tinged foam at the mouth, that could be just food tinted foam from a horse that's "mouthy" as we term it here in the western U.S. with our cow ponies. Excess salivation due to working th emouth... usually some kind of mouth tenderness and, since she's a filly she may be teething.
Secondly... has she been near a group or even one or two other horses? Horses catch "cold" from other horses and can spread through a small heard very quickly. It's not actually a human "cold" of course, but it is a virus caused ailment very similar. It usually lasts only a very short time... maybe two or three days and will cause some nose drainage (green usually) along with excess saliva that can be greenish tinted. Horse will usually be somewhat lethargic and off feed. Eyes are usually dull.
Check for any hot spots on your filly... especially the frog of the foot, for noticeable increase in temperature. Barring that, just keep an eye on her, as I'm sure you're already doing.
Any recent change in diet?
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she seems recovered today. Some gypsies (tinkers) are squatting in adjoining area & have released their horses in neighboring fields.
It does sound like choke to me too. But you do need to register with a vet (large animal practice) immediatly. If your horse was to get collic you need them out as an emergancy. Also sorry to lecture but you need to learn about horses and their welfare, not just how to ride them!!!

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