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Thanks sqad - He ended up in hospital with the glomerulonephritis, as he was peeing blood - we have no idea for how long as he didn't think to mention it! I took him to the GP as he hadn't got his appetite back after a sore throat and I thought he was a bit run down - he also looked a bit puffy. GP said his throt still looked a bit sore so was maybe making him reluctant to eat. If it wasn't for the fact that I was in filling the bath while he was having a pee then god knows what would have happened!
I get really wary now when he has a sore throat - they didn't mention anything about removing his tonstils when we were at doctors in June, if he is still complaining of what he calls "a blocked throat" when he comes home from school I will take him back to GP. Whilst i don't want to put him through an op unnessarily, it can't be good to keep having antibiotics either.
I have always been a great believer in leaving these things to get better themselves if possible to build up their immunities, but he does seem prone to a bad throat and if he gets a cold, it always gets into his chest.
Thanks again.