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berniecuddles | 10:57 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Went to work at 6 this morning pi55ing down,come home from work at 10.30 still pi55ing down is summer finished then !!
me thinks summer is over !


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Really warm and sunny here...
Question Author
grrr ummmm i still getting dry, where are you? xx
bernie....sorry to hijack this thread...where were you in Saudi Arabia?

I have worked in Jeddah, Tabuk and lectured in Dhahran.
well it is october the
Northampton Bernie....
Question Author
deckchairs out in northampton them ummmm !!!
heavy rain, now sun, snow and sleet will be along soon. followed by gales this evening. thats scotland.
-- answer removed --
Weather report this morning said it would be over 20c this coming weekend.
It's not that
bernie....did you see my post above?
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never been in saudi arabia sqad ???
I think you're mixing him up with EDDIE Sqad....
Hope you had you brolly with you Bernie. I love rain.
ummmm...thanks....yes I am.
Question Author
got me worried sqad thought i was losing my memory for a mo!!
Hi bernie , irt was raining heavy earlier on but it is dry now but not sunny
I've just put my washing it looks like it will rain now :-(
Rain all morning and now the sky is blue. Washing going out!!

(North Norfolk)
It was the same all summer!!

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