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racial discrimination

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deggers316 | 11:29 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
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to star t with i'm not a racist by any means
we have an African woman living nearby who is always causing problems in our flats complex by leaving rubbish around her door, when other residents approach her on this quite politely (and so the landlord) she starts a rant and calls us racist,in theory isn't she being racist to us by saying this and couldn't this be brought to the attention of the equality people, were getting fed up with this


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I do. She's using the colour of her skin versus the colour of your skin in an attempt to discredit you. This is a crass attempt deflect the argument about her rubbish hoping you will back down, worried about the accusation. I can't see it as anything other than racist.

Racism is a stereotype associated predominatly with white people. Imagine if you slurred...
13:09 Wed 06th Oct 2010
what do you expect !!!
How is she being racist by calling you a racist? Contact environmental health at your local council. I wouldn't try playing the racist card here.
I would do as squarebear suggests......let them sort it out.
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i would have though there would be a come back with her accusing us of being a what there is none?
No. Her calling you a racist isn't actually her being racist, just apparently incorrect/ignorant. If you want the bins dealing with contact enviromental health and have ntohing else to do with the neighbour.
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mark were NOT playing the racist card where does it say we are in my text i

Sorry to be came on and asked for advice, we've given it to you. You seem persistant to argue about your neighbour......see China Doll's post....she's correct.

Phone the council ....ask for enviromental health dept.
doesnt sound like anyone is being racist.

just call the enviromental health people
You were mentioning contacting the equality people. What were you planning on saying to them if it didn't involve racsim?
Get the rubbish sorted out, don't rise to the racist bait.
I think it is a huge insult to be called racist. On the few occasions I have been accused of it - unjustly, I may add - I have countered it with 'That's racist. Would you say that to me if I were black (or Asian, Polish, etc)?'
I get very very angry about it.
I don't see how calling someone a racist makes them a racist.
I do. She's using the colour of her skin versus the colour of your skin in an attempt to discredit you. This is a crass attempt deflect the argument about her rubbish hoping you will back down, worried about the accusation. I can't see it as anything other than racist.

Racism is a stereotype associated predominatly with white people. Imagine if you slurred her with an unfair stereotype associated with her skin tone, like called her a mugger or something? I'm sure that would be seen as racist.
Nowdays people are only too well aware that they can get a sympathetic ear to listen if they claim a race issue.The fact that the problem would arise if this person was white,pink,yellow or blue with green spots gets forgotten about....just my thoughts

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