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Doggy Question

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DEN53 | 16:14 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
I know this might sound thick - but can a dog get pregnant if not in season ?


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No, but you might not have noticed that it was in season, whereas a dog might have noticed, it's something they are very good at.
some have phantom pregnancies
tambo: Congrats on reaching your 10,000 answer milestone.
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Thanks for your answers - the reason I am asking is - my next door neighbour has a little westie dog, he has'nt had the 'operation' yet and is humping everything in sight.

Next week my neighbour is going to look after her sister's 'girl' dog, but as far as she knows it was in season a month or so ago. I said I think as her dog is acting like a sex maniac at the moment, it might be wise to keep them apart. So she has asked me to look after him (:0 (
wot - how d'you work that out ?
Wouldn't it be simpler if she just got him de-balled?
Check out your profile Tambo.
thanx A.Guest; you've doubled my score with no avatar ?
You're clever sceptre for so short a membership - give us your original ID, g'wan g'wan g'wan :)
Doubled your score? wot - how d'you work that out ?

I've only answered 2,000 in two years
If she definitely had a season a month ago, then things should be okay......except..... I had a bitch once who went into season so we put her in kennels as we had an entire male, the plan was to breed them but girlie wasn't old enough. she came home and 4 weeks later came into season again and the first I knew of it was when i found them tied!!!! I called the vet and she said that the season was unlikely to be a fertile one as there wouldn't have been time for the body to make more eggs, and she was right.
If the westie is humping everything in sight and he is adult, then I would certainly have him done before a bitch bites him...but I know he's not your dog.
Jusy bear in mind that the westy is not the only dog with balls. If you don't want a bitch to get pregnant get it spayed.

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