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maths hwk help urgent reply needed

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elerrina | 21:31 Mon 12th Sep 2005 | Technology
4 Answers

how would i do this question:

score| number of golfers

69         1

70         3

71         8

72         12

73         10

74         15

75         1


calculate the mean score show your working clearly?






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it should be

70            3

75            1

Mean = average, add list of numbers and divide by number of elements

Using this interpretation of mean, the scores add up to 3626, the number of golfers is 50. 

Divide 3626 by 50 and the mean (or average) score is 72.52

Question Author
hodid you get 3626 is it just a made up number?

3626 is the total number of shots taken, eg. 1 player got 69 added to 210 (3 players got 70=210), added to 568 (8 players got 71=568) etc etc until all the shots are totalled which equals 3626.  Then divide this by the number of players (1+3+8+12 etc = 50) and you get the mean which is correctly given as 72.52.

We thank you.

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maths hwk help urgent reply needed

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