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Jailed for refusing to tell Police a password

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R1Geezer | 11:35 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | News
65 Answers
On the front page of the Metro it says that a teenager has been jailed for refusing to reveal a password. Does anyone know the law for this? It's in Scoitland so maybe it's different. It seems to me that you should not be forced to reveal passwords, seems a lttle out of order to sling him in jail. Presumably it's on some sort of "obstruction" charge, any thoughts and opinions on this? Anyone have a detailed understanding of this area? thanks


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the data is encrypted booldawg. Doesn't matter what reads it it's gobledegook until decrypted.
People who have lost their passwords sometimes use Cain & Abel
I should imagine the police and government security services use something a little more advanced than a free password cracker!
How advanced can it be when it's not even making a dent furthermore a crack.
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Jailed for refusing to tell Police a password

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