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Aid worker in Afghanistan killed by her captors.

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sandyRoe | 13:33 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
36 year old, Linda Norgrove, killed during a failed attempt to rescue her. She was doing a dangerous job helping out there and paid with her life.
Is Afghanistan too dangerous for other foreign aid workers?


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What does "too" dangerous mean?
All areas of the word where there is internal active conflict are "dangerous" to a degree .. whether to foreigners or patriots.
Gonna be a personal decision in the end.
time to pull all aid workers and military personnel out of the hell hole....
I have thought for a long time that aid, reporters and other outside bodies should never be located "in theater" Some get kidnapped, hold country to ransom, and cause lots of other problems. Look what happened in Iraq.
I have long wondered why people go to unsafe coutries to give aid. to be dispassionate, it would be far better if they went to countries where their help would be appreciated, where they wouldn't be killed and where they would be more effective in helping disadvantaged people. More people would be helped for longer. A lot of people live in 'hell holes' as a result of their culture, people who are basically decent but are disadvantaged by conditions outside their control are far more deserving of aid.

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Aid worker in Afghanistan killed by her captors.

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