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Ronnie Knight

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hollie1586 | 22:54 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
How did he die?


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Thats barbara windsor ex,wasnt it some illness,dont think he was murdered
I'd guess it was from alcoholism
probs someone connected to Ronnie and Reggie Kray?
I think he went into a retirement home and died of natural causes, not 100% sure though
hollie . . . .he's not dead!
Knew he was with someone else, and was living abroad
To the best of my knowledge, RK is still alive and living in Cambridge.
He is living in Cambridge in sheltered housing cus he is skint. Fact.
Question Author
gosh...i thought he was dead!!
How the mighty fall,i remember a documentary on him and his partner,living the high life in spain..
Google him to find out for yourself

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