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priscilla queen of the desert

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fruitsalad | 18:23 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
went to see this saturday night, really enjoyed it what a great show, just wanted to share this with everyone..


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not seen it, but im glad you enjoyed it.
great movie - I'm an old person but loved it to pieces -Guy Pearson (sp) - wrap him up I'll take him!
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I have'nt seen the movie carmalee, but if its anything like the show will definitely have to see it
fruitsalad - I'm sure the show was great and |I can't comment on it as I haven't seen it - the film was terrific, if you get a chance to see it don't resist! I'm sure it was Terrance Stamp (aka blue eyed boy) who was the other lead. Full of innuendos, double entendres ?(sp) and so much genuine fun - I'm very, very old and I found nothing offensive, just a load of laughs.
and Hugo Weaving (Elrond in LOTR trilogy, Agent Smith in The Matrix trilogy, V in V for Vendetta)
As carmalee says, try to see the original film (1994?) Terence Stamp was gorgeous in his younger days and he still looked good in the film. I'll look out for it if it starts touring.
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i am going to see if i can get the film on dvd
you won't be disapponted! and enjoy

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