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Disability working allowance

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tamirra | 21:40 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Is there such a thing still, if so anyone got an application link please?? Thanks. xx


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i think people claiming this allowance from now on will have to literally have no use of any facilty at all..not wanting to sound horrible tamirra but they are cutting this allowance right down...
Do you mean Disability living allowance or Incapacity benefit?
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Are you sure you dont mean DLA OR DWP as my daughter was refused this today, now ive been told she may be able to claim the DWA. X
if there was an online form then it would be here:


if no joy, why not phone them up, they will send you out an application
Tamirra, have you appealed the decision to not award your daughter DLA? If not then I would do so ASAP.
There is a disability element to Working Tax Credit
this questionnaire should tell you if your daughter can get it or not.

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Disability working allowance

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