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Now, here is the weather.

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stewey | 16:22 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It is dreary, dark, damp, dismal, and devoid of any diurnal delight. Do you have any weather?


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About the same here stewey
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It must be an awfully big cloud up there:)
Must be. I think this weather warrants a large glass of red wine after work :o)
same on the Tyne stewey ;-(
Question Author
Bobbi, do you get English weather or Scottish weather? Or perhaps a tartan-type mixture of both?
more the same as Edinburgh and up the east coast stewey
it has been quite sunny here in Perthshire, but has clouded over now, it will be dark soon anyway
It's cloudy but OK here, but in our corner we more often get the same weather as Northern France than in the rest of the south-east.
my sister used to live in Whitstable boxy I remember going there in the 60s and looking across at France, thinking how wonderful I could do such a thing
Er - you can't Bobbi.... Whitstable's on the North Kent coast, you would have been looking at Essex......
I can however see France from my office window on a good day.
they lied to me,,,all this time boxy..LOL
Whitstable's lovely though bobbi, I have a friend who lives up there.
they probs told me it was France and was the Isle Of Sheppey..ha-ha
Hmm, indeed - good sunsets though!
I remember going to a tiny place called SeaSalter?
Yep, that's still there, closely followed by Tankerton Flats where all the beach huts are still there. Nice beaches - and out to see you can now see a huge wind farm!
arhh Tankerton, yes,
my brother in law had frozen food shops and an electrical store in Whitstable boxy, my nephews still live around there, Herne Bay?
That's further along the coast towards Margate... don't know that well, I don't have any reason to go that far along!

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