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G'night, g'bless

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stewey | 02:24 Fri 15th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
That's what I remember saying to my parents before climbing up the stairs.


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,,,,and hoping that there was a bed-warmer in place! (hot water bottle in the covers)
So what happened to "God" and "Good"? Were you stewed even at that tender age?
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Mike, I was good at eliding at that tender young age:)
Anyone who understands what elision means is OK in my book.
That's what my Grandma used to say when I stayed over there as a kid ("goodnight godbless"), she probably still would - she's still with us at 91 YO and still has all her marbles :-)
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I wish I still had all my marbles, from the school playground that is: they'd be antiques.
night night sleep tight ! ♥
The reason you haven't got any marbles left from the playground is that I greeded them all off you. You only had those cheap little china things, whilst I had geet big glass alleys, including a tenzer and a twelvzer, which would bankrupt you any day.
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Mike, I've met guys like you. Now I play with ball bearings whose circumference is eight times their diameter squared. I bet you never played the cigarette pack game.
Sorry, but talking through your rear orifice. Played the cigarette pack game, played the playing card pack game, won every time. Where I come from, a circumference of eight times the diameter squared is pretty average for a pair of ball bearings. Most of us manage to exceed that with no difficulty; those with less are called gay, but we do tend to look out for them if the going gets rough. That's what being English is all about.
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G'night, g'bless

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