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AB Limericks...

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NoMercy | 21:29 Fri 15th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
There was a young woman called Fluff,
Who knows some peculiar stuff,
She brightens our days
In various ways
And by god, she knows how to guff...

Your turn...


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and goodnight gran i'll say back
yeah its been a good crack
enjoy your cocoa
before you loco
and have a good sleep in the sack
it appears our verses have come to an end
so this last little un i'll just send
its been good fun
the rhymings all done
anymore, on you, itll depend
There was an old woman called Lardy
Whose appearance on here had been mardy
Asked The Ed "What's occurring"
And he said "I'm demurring"
It's because you're not wearing a cardy!
Dear looby this one is for you
A romantic limerick for two
I have took your advice
To not count and be nice
And I`m blowing this kiss just for you..x
oh elvis im now all a swooning
i just hope i dont do a mooning
that kiss was so nice
id like it twice
and a little more of your crooning :o) x
I was sitting enjoying a whiskey,
Then I started to feel a bit frisky,
But the wife wasn't here
So I just had a beer.
To admit any more would be risky.
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You guys are really good at Limericks. I'm shi.te at them.
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There was a fit guy called Bob
Who had a gigantic ****
For one of his smiles,
I'd walk on for miles
And if I don't see him soon, I'll sob. :-(
No Mercy, I think you're mistaken,
It's not with his smile you are taken,
If it is in fact true,
As you said in line two,
You want Bob in your bed for some shakin'.
Question Author
She smiled and I knew what she meant,
Though a letter, she never actually sent.
I thought I was in,
I drank many a tin.
Then I spent the night alone in a tent.

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