Well, we true patriots can be proud of the fact that we've been civilized since 1991 , when it became law here that a husband could rape his wife, can't we AOG ? We've also changed the law about a woman not testifying against her husband, and, as we see from other posts on AB, the practice in prosecuting cases of domestic violence has been changed so complainants who suddenly say they don't want to go on still have their cases proceeded with.
Is anybody suggesting that this cleric's judicial interpretation of his religion's teaching will override the law of the land? In a sense it might, as set out below.
In practice there could be evidential difficulties with cases involving ethnic and religious minorities. When 'asian' communities were first here, years ago, they often tried to settle cases of assault by a meeting of elders who determined what sum the attacker's family would pay the victim,rather than involve the police and criminal courts. You'd suddenly find that the police had victims and witnesses who didn't want to pursue because the case was being settled in this way.Only if the case was very serious (or perhaps the 'damages' weren't adequate !) did it end up being tried.
Cultural or religious practice and belief might lead to a Moslem woman not reporting rape by her husband. If she's taught that it's not rape, why would she?