every year my dog goes mad on bonfire night
my windows are not that soundproof . I try and close curtains leave t.v on loud ect but he jumps about panting
any tips would be great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thought it had started tonight but then remembered a girl across the way was having her sixteenth birthday party. but it will be coming soon all the constant screeching then a bang! I don't envy you having a excitable pooch. good luck.
We live near a passenger port and sometimes its like Dunkirk here. I have been trying Zylkene and so far so good. It doesn't require a prescription but costs a bit, I am paying £1 per capsule for my big boys (and Ratter, if he needs them would need to take out a mortgage lol) It seems to take around 20 minutes to work and realxes the dog without the spacey effects of ACP.
My dog is energised at 11pm when I wanna turn in but I can order him to bed & to stay 'quiet' !
You could train your dog likewise to live with the disturbance. Lie him down and place your foot on him, speaking calmly to 'stay'. He'll be less stressed if you are.
jaydah i am nor stressed at all, it doesn't make the dogs any calmer. I agree that not fussing the dog and making it a big deal helps, can I say that you are lucky with your dog?
cheapest site that I would buy from that I found.
You may find it cheaper but be sure its a bona fide site. My vet who admits that the web is cheaper sells it for 14.95 for 10 x 450 mg capsules. Can I suggest if you go for it,try it on your dog well before nov 5th.
usual comment, I am not a vet, not offering professional advice, have no connection with either Zylkene or the website.
just realised it's the first time in 15 years that I won't have to think about it! I've got some of Bingo's phenabarbitol still in the cupboard too. that worked well and helped both him and max relax, ask the vet for some,