I've got quite a few quizzes on the go at the moment covering varying subjects, and it occurred to me as I sat in bed last night about 11.00pm going over them to see if inspiration would strike me, that a lot of people spend a lot of their time compiling these quizzes to raise money for various good causes.
I thought it would be a nice gesture to say thanks to these compilers and to say how much enjoyment they give to us all, and how they help to keep those little old brain cells alive. I did win £25 some time ago on the Lincs Air Ambulance quiz for the 'starred' answers, and it was a brilliant feeling. I haven't been so lucky lately, but you never know.
So, thanks to you all, and thanks also to those who answer our questions, we couldn't manage without you.
What a lovely posting, hellywelly4. I spend, hours, days & months thinking up new ideas for my quizzes & I know that many others do, too. It is nice to be appreciated.