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havent seen any sticky threads for a while does this mean

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zzxxee | 14:31 Tue 19th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
according to ed we are not worthy???


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what do you mean?
Hi zzxxee - you ARE a sticky lol
Avatar thread I mean ;o)
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questions that he thinks are good are given a highlighted yellow colour i think it is (been ages since ive seen one)
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is it?? For Funks Sake thats a first ttfn !!!!
its a crap question lol lol lol
zzxxee - look in the CB category - gowan
Of course it won't stay there for long now zzxxee!!! Bet you wish you hadn't posted it now. Do you think I can do a softly boiled egg before it disappears? You have made me laugh - first time today ♥
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awww glad i have put a smile on yer face x

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havent seen any sticky threads for a while does this mean

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