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As it quite nippy outside......................................

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webbo3 | 21:22 Thu 21st Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Time for a large laphroaig I think.



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cup of hot chocolate for me unless I'm invited to the party
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A nice single islay malt warms me up no end on a cold winters night, haven't had rum for years Doc, only a drink called Ron Miel (honey Barcardi) made in tenerife.

I love a hot chocolate Carmalee especially with a splash of brandy and tiped with some squirty cream.

A hot chocolate with a large dash of Baileys is delish.
Question Author
sounds good NoMercy, ill give that a try.

i'm sticking to my blanket, socks and an extra jumper....boring! x
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Not boring but nice and cosy icg76.

okay Webbo3 - will have the dash of brandy if you absolutely insist - take a rain check on the squirty cream until |I know you better
Ron Miel sounds good, is it just Bacardi and Honey webbo?
It just means "honey rum" AYG, so it could be ordinary dark rum with honey.
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Its quite sweet and warming AYG, I always have a glass or two most nights and bring a bottle back when I go to tenerife.


Sounds lovely, I'm going to Tenerife at the end of the year I'll look out for it.
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Glenmorangie ids nice but I prefer a nice smokey/peaty single malt.

webbo...just have no alcohol in the house - noooooooooooooooo!!!!! it's either clothes or snuggling...and i don't like mr kicker much at the moment x :(
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guess its lots of clothes then Icg76. :-(

fraid so...he's in the doghouse in a female, cat-ridden abode. grrr...x
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As it quite nippy outside......................................

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