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Gill67 | 21:36 Sat 16th Oct 2010 | Gaming
12 Answers
My son is looking for an xbox for xmas.
There are so many different types - can anybody explain what these types are ?


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well the latest 2 sorts are the S type which is a revamped 1 which is smaller and meant to be quieter, theres the 250gb and a 4gb

theres the elite which is the 120gb which you can still get possbly brand new and possibly a good price
Any other questions just ask
well i think the new is called type s
The newer slim version also has the benefit of WiFi. For the older models you have to buy an adaptor for £59 .... or cheaper if you shop around.

The new controller (kinect) will work with both machines but with slim version it doesn't need a separate power supply as it uses the connection with the xbox to run.
Definitely go for the newer version but I would strongly recommend waiting as in the run up to Xmas there will be some great bundled deals.
im a playstation 3 person but what i do know is:
there is the very new xbox called the kinect, dont know much about that but i know its a little like the wii. sounds brilliant tbh. or there are the older models, think there are 3 of them? the arcade, the something else or the elite.
here is a link i found, this guy explains it all quite clearly:
"here is the very new xbox called the kinect"

The kinect is not a new xbox, it's a controller for the current xbox (old style or the newer style)
but they have upgraded the xbox and given it new features which is why they have called it the kinect
This is a xbox kinect


It's not a Xbox at all, it's a hands free controller, the new xbox is still just called xbox 360.
oh yeah im aware its different, i thought they maybe a bit confused cause it was still called an xbox.
The new xbox simply allows kinect to be used without the need for an external power source.
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