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How to pronounce the French word 'Manqué'.

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sandyRoe | 08:13 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
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... but hang on, I don't think it's the right word. You might think a writer is an artist manque if for instance he pays a lot of attention in his writing to colours and shapes. It sort of means he's missed his true vocation. But you can't think an artist is an artist manque.
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For the accent: ctrl+alt+ e
or Alt Gr+e
jno ...

You don't need accents on your keyboard.

If you press Alt + Ctrl + E ...

... you get é

Taah Daaaah !!!
Oh, poop ... beaten to it.

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jno, I was thinking in the sense of not having the talent to match his ambition, a wannabe.
no, that's not manquctrol+alt+e, it doesn't mean failed or inadequate
jno ...

You press the keys ... not type it out !
doh, fancy me not realising that, JJ.

sandy, I think the sense of artist manqué is that the world has missed out on an artist because he's gone into some other line of work. Maybe the word you need is something like 'imposter' or 'pretender'.
I want to type something with a Devon accent...what keys do I use?
jno thanks......hic

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How to pronounce the French word 'Manqué'.

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