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This site has problems again.

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micmak | 19:23 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Just like last friday and saturday morning. Are we been hacked?


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I seem to remember the site going through this when they were trying out gnome at the weekends. maybe they are testing some form of security again?
Yes, I've just posted about the same thing.
It's not worth the trouble so I'm going to stay off the site until tomorrow.
Maybe it's deliberate in order to deter the weekend trolls.
It'll be that site that bobjugs found..........stealing wholesale from AB !!
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Ahh it's not just me then, thought it was my internet going a bit loopy!
There might be some kind of virus that affects ab at weekends. I seem to remember the same thing happening last weekend
no butch.

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